SEO Professionals San Antonio

Every company with a website wants more business, and with an optimized site you too can compete and grab an expanded market share. If you feel your website isn't generating the interest you expected it's time to take advantage of the potential of search optimization techniques or do more than you have already done.

Search ranking can make or break the success of your online offering. If the search engines can’t find you they will surely find your competition. While your goal is page one, you start with whatever ranking you get and build on it by using tailored SEO methods. Your competitors are page one because they have developed good content and optimized it to its maximum potential.

The major search engines aren't going to automatically bump them out of their position and put you in their place just because you have a new website, you have to earn your position, and it starts with having a well optimized site. Over time your SERP, Search Engine Rank Position, will gradually grow. All search providers are looking for the same on and off page optimization to determine how each page in your site matches up against a competitor using the same criteria. The main criteria includes:

  •    Submit Your Domain Names with Google and Bing Web Tools, and Analytics for Tracking Visibility.
  •    Use a Sitemap Which Tells the Search Engines How Many Pages They Need to Crawl and When.
  •    Create Content Interlaced with Industry Key Words. Bottom-Line, Mimic Your Competitors.
  •    Unique Title Tags and Heading Tags Using Targeted Key Words in Your Industry.
  •    Take Advantage of Social Media? Search Engines Place High Importance on the Popularity of Your Site.

Do You Need Search Optimization?

Because Without it It's Doubtful Your Website Will Produce the Results You Expected.
why do you need seo

You invested in a website because you were hoping to generate income. The best example of the need for SEO is by searching for your domain name and expecting it come in the page hit results, imagine your excitement when you come up on page one. However, the problem is, customers are online searching for companies that sell products and services, like you, but they don't know who you are, yet. If they knew your domain name they wouldn't search for it, they would type it in the URL block of their browser and be done with it.

If you're not listed at all, its time to reevaluate your content or call and discuss your options from an SEO Expert at DVMARK. While there are no guarantees of a page one ranking, it is certain that a properly optimized site will get you a better ranking than if you do nothing.

Careful competitor analysis, as well as, quality Key Word Rich content will give your site the best chance to compete. What you sell, and offer, will determine how you will rank against companies already on page one. If you want to compete you need to research what they did and do it better.

What is Search Optimization?

First Things First. Basic Search Engine Optimization
what is seo

Basic Optimization is the first requirement to getting your site indexed and getting a page rank. A page rank is determined by several things, top-most being: Your content versus the content of your competitors already on page 1; The number of pages they have that target key phrases unique to the content on that page; and, their popularity in social media versus yours and is there target market speaking to a wider audience than yours. To get started you need both onsite and offsite modifications.

On-Page Modifications

Once your website is designed, our SEO experts begin the basic optimizing process by reading your content and comparing it to your competitors. We then make modifications to the Title Tag on each page to make sure it use unique key words that are pertinent to the content on the page. Likewise, we modify page headers to embed "key words" that augment the verbiage and again, to speak to the content on the page; Example; if you are a plumber and do both residential and commercial plumbing then the residential page will speak top home-owners. and conversely, the commercial page will speak to business's.

Other on page optimizations include image description tags, these tell the reader, who for whatever reason cant see the image, what the image is about. Key Word enhancements using BOLD letters or different colors to highlight their use and provide impact to the reader. And, we will embed code linking phone numbers for "click-to-call" phone dialing.

Off-Page Modifications

Off-Page Modifications are very important to the success of getting indexed and ranking position


This is the file your hosting server looks to guidance on how to display what domain name to use, and pages to display or not and where to redirect the users in the event of a bad link to a site location.


This file is generated to tell crawlers/robots what pages are more imp0ortant than others and when they expect new changes to each page.


This file is used to tell search engines if you have data on the site that you don't want indexed, or more importantly, don't want publicly visible by using disallow statements.

Google & Bing

Both Google and Bing have tools that help websites get their pages properly displayed, which domain name version to use. Google sees and as two separate websites.

Social Sites Page Liking

Social Media LIKE BUTTONS are the new book marking method. These links, buttons, popup when clicked and the reader then sends a message back to their social media account telling them that they liked your site.

https or SSL

SSL or Secure Socket layer, is an encrypted transmission of data between your website and a user browsing it. This help makes sure that user data is protected.

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Clients Say Nice Things About Our Work

  Robert was very responsive and fast with edits. I needed a site up fast and he provided results! Thank you, it was a pleasure working with you.

Onesi G. - Karisent